
摘自《皇冠8868会员登录》, 肯尼斯·琼斯和特玛·奥肯著, ChangeWork, 2001

这是在我们的组织中出现的白人至上文化特征的列表. 文化是强大的,正是因为它如此存在,同时又如此难以命名或识别. 下面列出的特征是有害的,因为它们被用作规范和标准,而不是由群体主动命名或选择. 它们之所以具有破坏性,是因为它们宣扬白人至上主义思想. 他们对有色人种和白人都是有害的. 由有色人种领导或以有色人种为主的组织也会表现出白人至上文化的许多破坏性特征.


解决办法:培养一种欣赏的文化, where the 组织 takes time to make sure that people�s work and efforts are appreciated; develop a learning 组织, where it is expected that everyone will make mistakes and those mistakes offer opportunities for learning; create an environment where people can recognize that mistakes sometimes lead to positive results; separate the person from the mistake; when offering feedback, always speak to the things that went well before offering criticism; ask people to offer specific suggestions for how to do things differently when offering criticism


antidotes: realistic workplans; leadership which understands that things take longer than anyone expects; discuss and plan for what it means to set goals of inclusivity and diversity, particularly in terms of time; learn from past experience how long things take; write realistic funding proposals with realistic time frames; be clear about how you will make good decisions in an atmosphere of urgency


antidotes: understand that structure cannot in and of itself facilitate or prevent abuse; understand the link between defensiveness and fear (of losing power, 丢脸, 失去了安慰, losing privilege); work on your own defensiveness; name defensiveness as a problem when it is one; give people credit for being able to handle more than you think; discuss the ways in which defensiveness or resistance to new ideas gets in the way of the mission


antidotes: include process or quality goals in your planning; make sure your 组织 has a values statement which expresses the ways in which you want to do your work; make sure this is a living document and that people are using it in their day to day work; look for ways to measure process goals (例如 if you have a goal of inclusivity, think about ways you can measure whether or not you have achieved that goal); learn to recognize those times when you need to get off the agenda in order to address people�s underlying concerns


antidotes: accept that there are many ways to get to the same goal; once the group has made a decision about which way will be taken, 尊重这个决定,看看你和公司能从中学到什么, even and especially if it is not the way you would have chosen; work on developing the ability to notice when people do things differently and how those different ways might improve your approach; look for the tendency for a group or a person to keep pushing the same point over and over out of a belief that there is 只有一条正确的路 and then name it; when working with communities from a different culture than yours or your 组织�s, be clear that you have some learning to do about the communities� ways of doing; never assume that you or your 组织 know what�s best for the community in isolation from meaningful relationships with that community


antidotes: make sure that everyone knows and understands who makes what decisions in the 组织; make sure everyone knows and understands their level of responsibility and authority in the 组织; include people who are affected by decisions in the decision-making


antidotes: notice when people use �either/or� language and push to come up with more than two alternatives; notice when people are simplifying complex issues, particularly when the stakes seem high or an urgent decision needs to be made; slow it down and encourage people to do a deeper analysis; when people are faced with an urgent decision, take a break and give people some breathing room to think creatively; avoid making decisions under extreme pressure


antidotes: include power sharing in your 组织�s values statement; discuss what good leadership looks like and make sure people understand that a good leader develops the power and skills of others; understand that change is inevitable and challenges to your leadership can be healthy and productive; make sure the 组织 is focused on the mission


antidotes: role play ways to handle conflict before conflict happens; distinguish between being polite and raising hard issues; don't require those who raise hard issues to raise them in �acceptable� ways, especially if you are using the ways in which issues are raised as an excuse not to address the issues being raised; once a conflict is resolved, 抓住这个机会重新审视它,看看它可能会如何处理不同


antidotes: evaluate people based on their ability to delegate to others; evaluate people based on their ability to work as part of a team to accomplish shared goals


antidotes: create Seventh Generation thinking by asking how the actions of the group now will affect people seven generations from now; make sure that any cost/benefit analysis includes all the costs, 不仅仅是金融方面, 比如士气的损失, 信誉成本, the cost in the use of resources; include process goals in your planning, 例如,确保你的目标与你想要如何工作有关, not just what you want to do; ask those you work with and for to evaluate your performance


antidotes: realize that everybody has a world view and that everybody�s world view affects the way they understand things; realize this means you too; push yourself to sit with discomfort when people are expressing themselves in ways which are not familiar to you; assume that everybody has a valid point and your job is to understand what that point is


antidotes: understand that discomfort is at the root of all growth and learning; welcome it as much as you can; deepen your political analysis of racism and oppression so you have a strong understanding of how your personal experience and feelings fit into a larger picture; don't take everything personally

列举白人至上文化特征的目的之一是 to 指出不自觉地将这些特征作为其规范和标准的组织是如何制定的 要向其他文化规范和标准敞开大门,即使不是不可能,也是很困难的. 结果,很多 我们的组织, 同时说我们想要多元文化, 真的只允许其他的人和文化 如果他们适应或符合已经存在的文化规范. 能够识别和命名 你想要的文化规范和标准是为真正的多元文化腾出空间的第一步 组织.
